Are you ready for the first 10 days with your newborn?
Learn about the various changes you AND your baby will experience in this critical time period with this self-paced video course, The Immediate Postpartum Series, presented by mother of four and perinatal specialist, Dr. Morgan MacDermott, NMD.
New motherhood learning curves are steep.
Say no to panicked 3am Googling
and become READY and PREPARED for the dynamic changes of immediate postpartum.
From the different decisions you need to make at the time your baby is born, to how to successfully establish breastfeeding and heal optimally from birth – the Immediate Postpartum Series has you covered.
You’re about to make the best decision possible for your new motherhood experience.
With over four hours of expert education, nearly every single detail of those first 10 days has been covered. What happens to YOUR body, what happens to your BABY’S body – how to know what is normal and what is not. No metaphorical rock was left unturned, and you’ll feel more than ready for what is to come.
Start and stop as you wish, rewind, go back, watch them from your phone / computer / tablet – however and wherever you’d like! No “live” aspect associated with this offering because I know you may need this info in the middle of the night.
Unlimited Access
You and your partner can watch the videos again and again, even as you add more children to your life and forget what newborn days are really like! We all need a refresher sometimes.

The Immediate Postpartum is an 11-video series covering the first several days of your baby’s life, in a detailed and comprehensive, integrative medicine manner.
From post-birth interventions through the first latch, to how baby’s stool changes and how to recovery from both vaginal or cesarean births (because you need both sets of information at your fingertips), I guide you every step of the way so there are no surprises in these early weeks.
For example, the early days of breastfeeding can make or break the experience overall, due to sensitive hormone loops and stimulation needed to tell your body there is a baby here that needs a robust milk supply. For the baby, feeding early and often is an expectation that many parents don’t realize is so imperative, and they may stretch windows of time between feeds. We can do this later on, but not initially. There are many nuances to early feeding and I want you to be confident and successful.
Using the lens of naturopathic and functional medicine, I give you my top advice and tips as a perinatal specialist and mother to three (almost four) children myself. In just over four hours of engaging integrative education, you’ll walk away feeling more ready for your newborn than ever. Having a new baby is a surreal, joyous, amazing experience and my goal is that every parent is truly able to enjoy it as such.
A quick word about how the series works and the all-importance of understanding this information BEFORE your baby is born. Our culture has shifted away from preparing us for parenthood, where it used to be the norm. Your doctor and midwife may give you a lot of education around pregnancy and birth, but unfortunately, postpartum is left in the dust and you must be proactive in learning this information because there is no one profession that can fill this gap.
As soon as your baby is born, there are several interventions that could potentially take place for both them and you, and you need to have decided beforehand how you want to handle them. I outline the various interventions and decisions that need to be made, and explain a way of thinking about each item using a framework for informed consent.
Newborn interventions discussed:
- who catches the baby
- rubbing vernix off or keeping it
- routine suctioning
- skin-to-skin or swaddle
- when to perform the newborn exam
- delayed cord clamping versus cord blood banking
- hepatitis B vaccine
- vitamin K shot or oral
- erythromycin ointment in eyes
- bathing newborn screening and hearing tests and more
Mama interventions discussed:
- routine Pitocin usage
- placental management
- stitching for perineal tears
- cesarean next steps
- the Golden Hour
- help with lactation
This video is practically an entire breastfeeding course in and of itself – and it’s because this understanding around latch dynamics, infant swallowing vs. nurture suckling, weight gain, on-demand feeding, and stool changes are very important to successfully set up your breastfeeding relationship.
You will learn:
- what Golden Hour is, why it’s important, the hormones involved and why we want them, how to maximize its benefits, and how to still have a Golden Hour with a cesarean birth
- all of the INCREDIBLE changes going on in your baby’s cardiovascular and pulmonary systems at that moment of the first breath
- how to get a good latch, in detail, using different techniques and signs
- how to identify and fix a bad latch
- the difference between comfort suckling and nutritive milk drinking via multiple example videos of real babies nursing
- all about colostrum
- all about tongue and lip ties – how to identify them and what to do about it
- various breastfeeding positions and their benefits
- how small a newborn stomach really is
- how to read your baby’s hunger cues
- how to rouse a sleepy baby
- what to focus on for YOU and YOUR recovery in that first few hours, and more!
Here we discuss what to expect in that first 24 hours after your baby has been born. Babies go through various stages of active time versus inactive/sleepy time, and this is normal and to be expected.
You will learn:
- all about meconium the first poop, and how this will transition in color and consistency over the first few days
- if baby is getting enough milk
- about various skin anomalies that can occur with newborns, and when to worry versus what is normal
- changes YOUR body will experience via afterbirth contractions, lochia (bleeding), clot passing and what to be aware of
- postpartum nutrition, rest, hydration, fluid loss, and more.
Knowing what to expect is half the battle of new parenthood.
Here you’ll feel ready and equipped by understanding:
- how to handle that first night
- how to maximize the gift of a longer stretch many babies allow
- where baby can sleep
- what they should wear
- what position they can sleep in
- safe cosleeping
- how newborns can be quite noise and active while still actually asleep
- when and how to feed a sleeping baby
- and general newborn sleep expectations
Learn day-by-day what to expect from your baby as well as your own body – as milk comes in, bleeding lessens, newborn stomachs get bigger and more. I break down time into 48-hour chunks so it’s more digestible and easy to refer back to where you are once your baby is actually here!
Walk away understanding:
- my top postpartum and baby supplies and items to have on hand recommendations
- days 2-3 for you:
- Rhogam, managing afterbirth contractions, bleeding, and resting
- birth recovery practices and understanding traditional postpartum healing philosophy
- postpartum supplementation and nutrition for optimal health
- days 2-3 for your baby:
- the “second night phenomenon”
- how many pee and poop diapers to expect each day
- diaper tricks
- days 3-5 for you:
- adjusting to motherhood
- milk transitioning from colostrum to full milk
- engorgement management and warning signs
- pumping, milk storage, how to use a silicone hand pump
- days 3-5 for your baby:
- wet/dirty diaper expectations
- conjunctivitis
- physiological weight loss
- how to soothe an upset baby
- days 5-7 for you:
- nipple healing
- postpartum healing continued
- days 5-7 for your baby:
- wet/dirty diaper expectations
- poop color transitions
- cord care
- days 7-10 for you:
- healing expectations
- postpartum set up hacks
- days 7-10 for your baby:
- wet/dirty diaper expectations
- the first bath and soap recommendations
- development resources
- looking into the future of weeks 2-3 and then 3-4 with an overview of what to expect
A philosophical pep talk and morale boost for you as you enter this a beautiful and important phase of life. We discuss identity shifts, new character roles, how our babies choose us, and more.
Birth recovery can take anywhere between a few days to several weeks, and there are important practices to know that help optimize your healing so you can be comfortable and present with your baby.
In this video, you’ll learn:
- all about perineal tearing and tissue healing supplements, homeopathics, herbs, diet, and home practices like sitz baths and vaginal steaming
- how to understand the post-birth bleeding (lochia)
- common pelvic floor problems and remedies
- gentle core re-engagement via breathing exercises
Sometimes cesareans are planned, but most often they are not. You may feel very overwhelmed by the idea of having an unplanned cesarean – so let this course hold you and prepare you, in case this is the path your birth takes.
We cover:
- planned cesarean: gentle cesareans and being involved, preparing your body beforehand, preparing baby, delayed cord clamping and other options
- if unplanned cesarean: talking to baby about what is happening, staying calm, pain medication, reminders
- pain management post-cesarean and using homeopathics alongside pharmaceuticals
- pelvic floor problems and remedies
- re-engaging the pelvic floor via breath work
- incision and scar care
- vaginal care and lochia
- cesarean tips and tricks for dressing yourself, nursing, tissue recovery
- natural symptom management for swelling, bloating, constipation, engorgement, aches and more
Circumcision may have a place in the setting of religious or strong personal beliefs, but cultural trends are shifting. Parents often do not receive true informed consent about what happens to their baby boys or how to care for an uncircumcised penis, if they choose to not circumcise.
You’ll learn:
- the official American Academy of Pediatrics stance on circumcision
- how circumcision rates vary state-to-state and worldwide
- what occurs during the procedure
- how pain is managed
- healing tips
- benefits
- risks
- caring for an uncircumcised penis
Placenta encapsulation has become a hot topic in recent years. Many claim a great benefit from consuming their placentas, while some lactation consultants warn of risks of lowered milk supply. So, what’s the deal?
In this video you will learn:
- placenta consumption theory and history
- consumption options (different preparations and forms of taking it)
- benefits
- risks
- hormone loops and what placentas contain
- other placenta rituals from around the world that are non-consumption based

As a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor and mother of three young children (with a fourth on the way), I blend functional medical expertise, clinical skill, and first-hand experience to help women navigate wellness for themselves and their families. I believe we must take our health into our own hands, and use innate intuition to guide our way throughout the entirety of becoming and being a mother.
I am committed to helping modern mothers transform their daily struggles into stepping stones toward a more supported, balanced, and confident state of being. I believe that the health of the mother is the health of the community, and it is imperative we treat her as such.
Read more about my personal journey with a very challenging first postpartum, by clicking below.
The first few days of motherhood can be filled with anxiety and confusion, when it COULD be filled with joy and ease. There's a lot to know, and it happens very quickly. My goal is for your new family to feel confident and settled, equipped with this vital knowledge before your baby arrives.
100% absolutely yes yes yes YES YES! I can’t scream it from the rooftops any louder. You two are a team and this info is important for you both.
Most definitely yes, and what a thoughtful and important gift for a new family in your life. Adding this to a baby registry is a wonderful idea.
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