…that may or may not work, at all.

I am being facetious here because I know many women who felt little to no relief from “the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy,” as morning sickness is called in medicine, no matter what they did. If you are one of these women, I am so very sorry.

Then for those of you experiencing Hyperemesis gradivarum (HG), I bow down to your courage. HG is REAL, and not in your head. No amount of ginger is likely to help, and the darkness of these days can feel never ending. I encourage you to seek help/refuge in community support systems (even the @hgmoms Instagram may be hugely beneficial) and know that we see you. I admire your strength .

Now, for the nausea that many more women will experience that is not HG (50-90% of pregnant women as compared to 0.5-2% of pregnant women, respectively), here are some ideas to keep on hand. These lie on the natural end of the spectrum, although pharmaceuticals for nausea do exist. As always, chat with your doc before attempting these treatments.


Keep blood sugar levels regulated by eating small protein/fat/carb mini-meals every 2-3 hours, and eating a small high-carb snack before even leaving the bed in morning. Healthy mini-meal ideas might be:

  • banana or apple with nut butter
  • salmon / mackerel / sardine mash on cauliflower or rice crackers
  • avocado with pico and black beans

For the high-carb morning snack, I find most women munch on fruit like a clementine, or crackers. Cauliflower, rice, or seed crackers can be great alternatives for gluten-free folk.


Vitamin B6 has been shown as a first-line therapy in mild to moderate morning sickness. Typical doses range from 10mg-50mg, to chat with your doctor to decide what is best for your unique biochemistry.


Ginger root (whether in tea packets, capsules, homemade infusion of fresh root, tincture etc) in high divided doses can be just the trick for some, and do nada for others. Doses range from 1g – 2g split throughout the day. Capsules, while difficult to swallow when feeling nauseous, are most efficient in reaching these higher doses. Start slow and work your way up. Sometimes ginger by itself may not be your ticket, but in combination with other ideas on this list, it can make a big difference. As a microcosm example to the macrocosm of parenting – experimentation is key!


Homeopathy is an insanely effective medicine when prescribed competently. Look into the symptom pictures of Sepia, Tabacum, Ipecac, or Natrum phosphoricum to see if they match your presentation. If you’d like expert help in choosing your remedies, book with a naturopathic doctor or local homeopath!


Very few herbs are studied to be safe in pregnancy. While there are likely MANY, MANY more that are indeed safe, we do not have the studies to prove this as such and so practitioners stand to recommend only the very limited number we are certain of. A botanical formula of chamomile, spearmint, anise, and ginger tinctures can be made with guidance of your naturopathic doctor or an herbalist. Several drops mixed in water and drank throughout the day can keep those queasies at bay.


Another pregnancy-safe herb that rocks at quelling nausea is fennel. This can easily be found in the spice aisle or health food store in bulk. Brew a strong tea and sip at room temp for best results. Pro tip: keep fennel around postpartum to encourage a plentiful milk supply.


Deep breathing, hydration, and exercise. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking. And listen: although these may feel minute in significance, or impossible in implementation – the basics for health are key. For you, and for your baby. If each of these amount to 10% reduction in nausea, that’s 30% total. Add in mini meals, some ginger capsules, and homeopathy and BAM! Every bit counts.

Sharing is caring. No one wants to suffer unnecessarily.


DISCLAIMER: This article is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice. This is purely for informational and educational purposes only. Milk Medicine supports body autonomy, body literacy, open access information, and informed consent. The health of you and your family is your own responsibility. As always, discuss any medical questions or concerns with your physician or pediatrician. 

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